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Bango Music Test Service

Bango Music Test Service

The Bango Music service is a test merchant service provided by Bango for our sandbox environment.

For testing with the Bango Music service, please use the following API parameters:

  • merchantAccountKey: BANGO_US
  • productKey: MUSIC or MUSIC_PREMIUM
    (note that 2 productKeys are provided to enable you to test the update flow)

The service offers the following default behaviour:

When you send a create request to Bango Music, it will respond with 202 and a valid activationUrl.

Clicking on this link will cause the Bango Music service to send an activation request to the merchant-api-v1, which will change the status of the entitlement to active.
You will also receive an associated ACTIVATION_SUCCESS notification.

It is also possible to request a configuration change to Bango Music to test the 200 and 201 responses as well.

When you send an activation info request to Bango Music, it will respond with 200 and the same valid activationUrl as outlined for ‘create entitlement’, enabling you to click the link to activate the entitlement, with the same ACTIVATION_SUCCESS notification as before.

When you send an update request to Bango Music, it will respond with 200 (updated).

You will receive a PRODUCT_UPDATE and/or METADATA_UPDATE notification, depending on the request sent.

When you send either a cancel or revoke request to Bango Music, it will response with 200 (terminated).

You will receive a TERMINATION_SUCCESS notification.

It is also possible to request a configuration change to Bango Music to test an asynchronous termination. In this scenario, Bango Music returns 202 and 5 seconds later will send a terminate request to merchant-api-v1.