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API Reference

DVM > API Reference

API Reference

The API reference provides all the information needed to integrate with the Bango API. Use the links on the left to navigate to the information you require.

Base URL for Sandbox


Base URLs for Production

We have 3 regional instances of our production environment, US, AP, EU. Each route will be onboarded into the most appropriate region geographically. Your onboarding documentation will include details of which base url you should use.



The Bango API uses Basic Auth to authenticate requests using the standard Authorization header. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over HTTP will fail, as will API requests without valid authentication.

Bango will supply you with two sets of credentials:

  • Sandbox credentials
    Our sandbox environment enables you to fully test your 2-way integration with Bango. It is also used to complete end-to-end 3-way testing with partners before going to production.
  • Production credentials
    Use these for your live routes in our production environment. Bango only authorizes these credentials for use after your testing is complete and verified.

Please keep your credentials secure! Do not share your credentials in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code etc.