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Frequently Asked Questions

Merchant APIs

The FAQs in this section provide more information on the ‘Merchant to Bango’ and ‘Bango to Merchant’ APIs.

Inbound requests to the Bango DVM™ require basic authentication. We can also support IP allow-lists.

Basic Auth and OAuth 2.0 are available for Bango to merchant requests.

Bango supports the expires_in option for OAuth 2.0 and will reuse the same token for multiple calls. We will only request a new access token after this time.

Yes. These can be configured to any urls required. The urls are configured per endpoint. 

Yes, only mandatory fields are required.

merchantBangoExtensionData is a collection of route specific key:value pairs set up during onboarding.

merchantExtensionData is a collection private key:value pairs set per entitlement. These can be updated during the lifecycle of the entitlement.

The merchant can set the value merchantEntitlementId in the create entitlement response. Otherwise by default, Bango will set merchantEntitlementId to be the value of the requestId.

Bango support a very quick retry (we retry 3 times within milliseconds) if we receive a 5xx from the content provider. We do this to enhance resilience against brief network interruptions. If it fails, we send the error back to the reseller.

The financeData object is only required for merchants with an eDisti agreement with Bango.