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Active, Change & Event Reports

Active, Change & Event Reports

These 3 reports all have the same column headings as shown below:

Example reports can be found here

Column HeadingTypeDescription
ResellerCustomerIdStringThe customer identifier
BangoEntitlementIdStringBango provisioned unique id for the entitlement
StatusStringThe status of the entitlement. One of Pending, Active, Suspended, Active-Ending, Cancelled, Revoked, Failed
MerchantAccountKeyStringThe merchant’s unique id in the Bango platform
MerchantEntitlementIdStringThe entitlement id created by the merchant
ProductKeyStringThe id of the product/offer associated to the entitlement
DisplayNameStringHuman readable name for this entitlement
CreatedDateDateDate the entitlement was created in the Bango platform
ActivatedDateDateDate the entitlement was activated by the content provide. May be empty
SuspendedDateDateDate the entitlement was suspended (if the status is still in a suspended state at the end of the reporting period). May be empty
ExpiryDateDateDate provided by the reseller on which Bango will send a request to the content provider to terminate the entitlement. May be empty
LastUpdatedDateDate the entitlement was lasted updated in the Bango platform
EndDateDateDate the entitlement was terminated in the Bango platform (CANCELLED or REVOKED)
ExtensionDataFormatStringFormat of the extension data (e.g. XML)
ExtensionDataStringAny custom data associated to the entitlement

All dates are in UTC with the format: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss