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Summary Report Format

Summary Report Format

An example report can be found here

Column HeadingTypeDescription
EntitlementRouteIdStringUnique Id for the route
ProductFamilyStringHuman readable product description
ProductKeyStringUnique Id for the product on this route
Total Pending EntitlementsIntTotal number of pending entitlements
New Pending Entitlements in Current PeriodIntTotal number of entitlements created during the reporting period which are still PENDING at the end of the reporting period
Total Active EntitlementsIntTotal number of ACTIVE entitlements (includes ACTIVE-ENDING)
New Activations in Current PeriodIntTotal number of entitlements that were activated during the reporting period
Total DeactivationsIntTotal number of terminated entitlements
Total Deactivations in Current PeriodIntTotal number of entitlements that were CANCELLED or REVOKED during the reporting period
Total Failed EntitlementsIntTotal number of create entitlement requests that have failed
Failed in Current PeriodIntTotal number of create entitlement requests that failed during the reporting period
A count of total Active + Total Pending EntitlementsIntAll PENDING and ACTIVE entitlements