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Correlation Reports

Correlation Reports

Our correlation process enables you to bulk check the state of your entitlement data against Bango’s to ensure data is in sync, and to help identify and resolve any discrepancies quickly.

We support 2 types of correlation:

Events only (default)Only include entitlements where customerIdentifier, productKey and/or status was changed during the correlation period
All active entitlements and eventsAlway include all active entitlements as well as any entitlement where customerIdentifier, productKey and/or status was changed during the correlation period

Note: an entitlement must only appear once in the report with the latest data, regardless of how many times it was updated.

Sending correlation data to Bango

To start the process, upload your correlation files to the Amazon S3 bucket provided by Bango by 04:00 UTC on the day after the end of the correlation period (either monthly, weekly (Monday to Sunday) or daily). Correlation is split by route, so please provide one file for each partner and correlation period required. Our support team will provide you with the url and credentials to access your S3 bucket.

Upload your files into the input directory for the appropriate partner: s3://{s3-bucket}/CorrelationReports/{partner}/Input

  • For resellers, {partner} is the merchantAccountKey as used when creating an entitlement.
  • For merchants, {partner} is the resellerId provided in the create entitlement request.

Files should follow this naming convention: {startDate}-{endDate}.csv.

Date formats are YYYYMMDD. For monthly and weekly files, endDate is inclusive. For daily files, endDate is exclusive.


  • 20240201-20240229.csv | Monthly correlation file for February 2024
  • 20240219-20240225.csv | Weekly correlation file for Monday 19th February 2024 to Sunday 25th February 2024
  • 20240201-20240202.csv | Daily correlation file for 1st February 2024

Correlation processing

Bango checks against the unique entitlementId field to correlate the following:

  • customerIdentifier
  • productKey
  • status

Bango generates the following 4 output files for each input file and sends them to the following location: s3://{s3-bucket}/CorrelationReports/{partner}/Output

File nameDescription
{yourId}-{partner}-{reportingPeriod}-Matched.csvAll entitlements that matched
{yourId}-{partner}-{reportingPeriod}-BangoOnly.csvEntitlements in the Bango platform but not in the correlation file provided
{yourId}-{partner}-{reportingPeriod}-YourIdOnly.csvEntitlements in your correlation file but not in the Bango platform
{yourId}-{partner}-{reportingPeriod}-MisMatched.csvEntitlement present but at least one of the customerIdentifier, productKey and/or status doesn’t match